Billy Vale
Singer, Dancer, Actor.
This website is a record of my shows, performances and all of the wonderful opportunities I have had so far.
I have created this website so that, if you don't know me, you will be able learn more about me and my life.
I have performed in many shows and concerts over the past few years and was selected to represent
the United Kingdom in The World Championships of Performing Arts in California in 2015.
I am very proud to currently be in the Elite Musical Theatre Troupe and Elite Singing Troupe at Spirit Young Performers Company.
Please read below and my blog page for further details.
I also fundraise for Birmingham Children's Hospital in memory of my brother. Thank you for your time!
Please read My Story/My Brother page first of all.

This was my 2017 - more on my BLOG page.

I finished 2017 by playing Prince Charming in the Harlequins Drama Group's Pantomime - Cinderella. It was a really enjoyable week despite clashing with my mock exams!

One of my classes each week with Spirit Young Performers Company is a master class. This week Charlie Stemp came in to do a dance master class. He was great! Next week we are working with Twist and Pulse for one of our videos. Spirit is really enjoyable.

After attending the Hamilton Workshop organised by Spirit Young Performers Company in August, I was absolutely thrilled to have been invited to join their Elite Musical Theatre Troupe and Elite Singing Troupe. It is a big commitment as it means spending a day in London each week but such a fantastic opportunity that I did not hesitate to say yes.

Here is the Hamilton video!
Spirit Young Performers Hamilton Workshop Scholarship
I absolutely love 'Hamilton' at the moment and when I saw an opportunity to do a Hamilton Workshop with this famous Youth Group in London I went for it. I had to put together a video explaining why I liked Hamilton show what I can do singing and performing. I had one night to do it in as the past month has been so busy as you can read below! Therefore I was absolutely over the moon to have won a part scholarship. I am really looking forward to this.

My end of year showcase at BOA

Our end of term showcase at BOA was called 'One Way Ticket'. I auditioned for performances and sang a song from Book of Mormon, a solo in One Day More from Les Miserables, was part of the boys group who did Cell Block Tango and was also in lots of chorus numbers and dance numbers. It was really hard work but good fun. We have the most incredibly talented year group and I am very lucky to be in amongst them.
My former dance teacher at St. Benedict's invited me back to sing solo at this year's BTEC Dance showcase at Alcester Grammar School on July 17th. I was very honoured to have been asked and it was a really enjoyable showcase. I sang 'Ill be Back from Hamilton. Here is a video recording:
In The Heights was unbelievable!

This show was fantastic (July 14th and 15th) I had a great time sharing the stage with my talented friends from BITA. We were really pleased with our performances, we just wish we could have done more shows. Performing at The Repertory Theatre in Birmingham was amazing. Read our reviews below and see more photos on my gallery page.

I have been cast as the Prince in Cinderella!

On 2nd July, I auditioned for a part in The Harlequins next production which is Cinderella the Pantomime which will run from November 28th to December 3rd. My next role is as Prince Charming!
In The Heights Promotional Day

Immediately after the final performance of Peter Pan I was off to a promotional day for In The Heights in Birmingham.
My voice has recently broken so I tried it out on a new song 'You'll be back' from Hamilton. There were many solos from BITA students and we did a couple of songs from In The Heights too.

Peter Pan
I realise that I have been so lucky to have had the opportunity to be Peter Pan this week! The experience of flying was absolutely amazing and one that I am quite unlikely to have again in theatre. In addition, to perform in front of sell-out audiences was unbelievable. Thank you so much to the Harlequins and my fellow cast members especially my flying partner Lauren Donaghy (Wendy). See photos of the show on my gallery page.

I really enjoyed this Monologue Slam as I performed a really funny monologue by Joanna Gay and also got to perform some of In The Heights on stage with BITA as we were special guests. Here is the video of my Monologue and some photos of BITA in action on stage.
This is me performing Sonny's rap in '96,000' from 'In The Heights' in our performance at The Repertory Theatre, Birmingham at Monologueslam May 2017.


Peter Pan is drawing near. This was a great experience. I think the photos are brilliant, even though I did feel a bit awkward in my costume. I'm sure I'll get used to it!

Here's an interview I did with the Birmingham Repertory Theatre
ahead of the next MonologueSlam.

LOUISE DEARMAN MASTERCLASS SUNDAY 9TH APRIL Once again, another wonderful opportunity provided by BITA. I sang for this amazing, famous Broadway star at a masterclass at BITA Studios.
Stratford-on-Avon District Council
St. Patrick's Night Dinner at Alcester Town Hall
I was invited to provide the musical entertainment after dinner for this event. I sang 5 songs and used my new PA system. It was a really enjoyable evening and there were lots of Mayors there from all over the Midlands!

March 9th-I passed my Grade 5 Drums today!

My week's work experience at TOUCH FM was absolutely incredible. I enjoyed every single minute of it and gained such a lot of valuable skills. I was even allowed to record some adverts to go out on air and I did the whole of the sports round up known as The Club House. I was also special guest on Liam Clarke's show 'First Break' where I chatted and did the Gig guide. Thank you so much to everyone at Touch FM especially Liam Clarke and Simon Alexander. Listen to some of my recordings here.

I was very fortunate to have the opportunity to sing when this famous Broadway composer and performer came from America to give a masterclass at BITA Studios. However, to say I was nervous is a slight understatement!
I was very fortunate to have the opportunity to sing when this famous Broadway composer and performer came from America to give a masterclass at BITA Studios. However, to say I was nervous is a slight understatement!

Since I started school at Birmingham Ormiston Academy last September, I have been co-hosting some lunchtime radio shows on their student radio station B2 RADIO. Now I have been given my own show on a Monday lunchtime. I am really pleased about this as since my brother George died nearly 6 years ago I had been running his disco to fundraise for Birmingham Children's Hospital and now, I don't really have time anymore but I still love being a DJ to honour him. It's great fun and good experience.
Check it out here:
I felt very honoured to have been asked to sing at this event. The project has been overseen by Nicki who was my brother's MacMillan Nurse and I was really pleased to have been able to raise about £3,500 over the past 2 years towards this building.

I've been cast as PETER PAN!
The Palace Theatre, Redditch
14th to 16th June 2017


I am so pleased that after auditions on 20th and 27th November, I have been cast as 'Sonny' in BITA's 2017 production 'In the Heights'. Thank you BITA for another wonderful opportunity.
Birmingham Repertory Theatre
July 14th and 15th 2017